Our History
PBA started in 1989 with a luncheon meeting of bookkeeping professionals. By joining, we discovered the value of providing support. We realized we could help each other in our business endeavors. As a group, we could encourage the development of individuals performing bookkeeping, accounting and tax services.
In the weeks that followed, a formal organization was founded. Our membership today includes the self-employed, individuals considering a business and employees of private companies. We have members from around the San Francisco Bay Area.
Monthly Meetings
Next meeting will be Thursday February 15th
Featured speaker: Frank Mario Castellon, Castellon Professional Services
These meetings are designed to address the Association's objective to support and encourage professionals in the bookkeeping profession. The format includes a knowledgeable speaker, opportunity to network, and group discussion of relevant topics.

Member Information
Joining = Member Benefits
Elected officers provide leadership for the association. All members have the opportunity to serve as an officer or committee member. Committees include Membership, Nominating, Newsletter, Marketing, Education and Program.
We encourage personal and professional growth through active participation and leadership development.
Calendar of Events
Previous Meetings In Review
January 18th, 2022
Frank Mario Castello of Castellon Professional Services joined us for a highly interactive session with guest speakers from ADP. ADP covered the topic of tax and R&D credits. Frank covered tax changes for the 2021 tax season before running out of time to cover the rest of his agenda topics! He will return next month for Part 2.
December 14th, 2021
The group ended the year with round table discussions centering around year-end - 1099 preparation options, tax season issues, and other related topics.
November 16th, 2021
Featured speaker was Chris Pumo, President of Skyline Analytics. Skyline Analytics is a full-service, business intelligence consulting firm, specializing in data integration, data analytics, and FP&A consulting services. His fascinating overview left us all thinking about how our clients could benefit from having this information.
October 19th, 2021
The group had a fun and informative "Bring a Topic" evening, where information was shared, bookkeeping-related questions were asked, and recommendations were given. It was agreed that this should be a quarterly format!
September 21st, 2021
Rob Ferrini of McGowan Pro Insurance explained the basics of the new IRS Section 7216 and how it may affect our bookkeeping/tax practices. David Leary from Melio gave us a tour of Melio, a free and simple way to pay vendors and contractors.
August 17th, 2021
Nellie Akalp, CEO of CorpNet gave us an overview of her company, which provides business formation and filing services for new and existing companies.
July 20th, 2021
Kelly Hierlmeier, Senior Account Manager with Xero, provided us with a brief demo and shared the latest product updates on this "beautiful" cloud-based accounting software. (kelly.hierlmeier@xero.com)
June 15th, 2021
Michael Bisbiglia, Master Numerologist, joined us for an evening discussing the hidden meaning of numbers, and the importance they play in our lives. He also shared exciting news about the positive energy that is being drawn to the PBA! (readings1111@gmail.com)
May 18th, 2021
Nick Wilson was back for Part 3 of his IT Security for Bookkeepers series - Ransomware: What It Is and How to Avoid Being a Victim.
April 20th, 2021
Nick Wilson joined us for Part 2 in his IT Security for Bookkeepers series - Gone Phishing: How To Avoid Getting Scammed.
March 16th, 2021
Nick Wilson, Lead Technical Analyst with LCBS shared valuable information and took questions from the group on the subject of IT Security for Bookkeepers (Part 1 of 3).
February 16th, 2021
Kat Sloan, Account Executive with Veem shared the latest updates from this global business payment company (www.Veem.com).
January 19th, 2021
We rang in the New Year with a roundtable discussion covering topics such as 1099 processing, PPP-1, PPP-2, PPP Forgiveness, CA Grant, and much more.
December 15th, 2020
Frank Mario Castellon of Castellon Professional Services informed us of the latest in PPP Forgiveness, then we shared some holiday cheer to end the year on a jolly note!
November 17th, 2020
Always a member favorite, the group held a lively round-table discussion on the various issues related to running a bookkeeping business: technical challenges, process flows, recommended software and apps, and much more.
October 20th, 2020
Resource Member Bahar Tolu, owner of Apex Payroll, held an informative on two informative payroll-related issues: Anatomy of a Paycheck, and HR Needs for a CA Business.
September 15th, 2020
John Miller, EA shared with us the most commonly overlooked aspects of the Balance Sheet.
August 18th, 2020
Bahar Tolu, PBA Resource Member, presented "Doing Business in California", which covered topics such as hiring household employers, employee vs. contractor classification, exempt vs non exempt classification, overtime and sick pay; topics unique to California.
July 21st, 2020
Craig Ching, one of our newest Resource Members, presented an information-packed session on Entity Designations, highlighting the differences between the different types of corporations.
June 16th, 2020
Frank Mario Castellon once again joined us to share more Covid-related information, which included a PPP Update and a review of the Loan Forgiveness application.
May 19th, 2020
Jodi Mecham and our very own Brenda McCormick explained the nuances of Trust Accounting.
April 21st, 2020
This timely meeting covered two COVID-related topics - New Paid Leave Law (ADP Payroll) and Small Business Relief Options (Frank Mario Castellon)
March 17th, 2020
Matt Darner, VP of Business Development, introduced us to CollBox, which enables you to send past due invoices to collections with just a click from your accounting software.
February 18th, 2020
The PBA had our very own Pivot Table Guru, Melvin Prasad, presenting. Melvin showed the practical uses and how-to's of pivot tables and helped several members with specific cases.
January 21st, 2020
John Miller, EA, presented an overview of The Secure Act, legislation which could have a significant effect on retirement planning. IRAs, 401ks, CRTs, conversions, "kiddie tax"... it was all there in this detail-packed discussion!
Interested In Learning More?
We are always looking to grow our community and help create a positive impact through networking, education, and support.
Feel free to reach out with any questions that you have and we would be happy to answer them!